Hello, my name is Olivia

I am a student at

If you have found an item of value and scanned the QR code on it, please tap on the button below to arrange for its return to me? Thank you so much for your kind gesture!


In an emergency situation, please contact Campus Security (if I am on campus) or the trusted third party whose contact number is listed below; they will assess the situation and inform my next-of-kin in need.

Canmpus Security Telephone Numbers:

  • East Campus: 0117174444 or 0117176666
  • Health Sciences Campus: 011717 2222  or 0117172232
  • Education Campus: 0117173340
  • Business School: 0117173589

TRUSTED THIRD PARTY (if off campus):  0824993552

My Medical Information

Blood group: O+

Allergies: None

Medical Aid (Yes/No): Yes